TESZARAはデラ・クルーズの子会社でフィリピンのマカティにオフィスがあります。 日本人のグローバル化をサポートする様々な業務を実施しておりますが、どんな事を実施しているか、少しご紹介いたします。 【移住前の下見ツアー】 今週は、ある日本人女性がマカティ、BGCエリアのツアーで来られTESZARAでご案内いたしました。 この女性はお子さんの教育を考え、お子様が中学生になるタイミングでフィリピンに母子で移住しようと検討していて、夏休みには1ヶ月滞在して永住ビザの申請をすると共に、お子さんの英会話学習の予定をされています。 でも、実は実際にフィリピンにきたことがなかったので、今回はお母様一人で実際のフィリピンを確認しようと視察にこられたのです。
何か現地で実施すると、担当者から報告がきます。 今回は、その報告を英語学習のためにご紹介いたしましょう。 ただ、当然、報告は第三者への報告ではなく社内での報告なので改まった表現になっていないことはご了承下さい。 Everything went well with Ms. **’s tour. We followed the itinerary and she took pictures of MJS, Greenbelt and Japanese Manila Assoc. office. I took her to Manam BGC for lunch, just next to Ascott and she loved the food, especially sinigang and gising gising. She said she loves the Philippines and she is looking forward to staying in July. She said she was nervous before coming but she feels at ease now. During the tour, she said she likes the atmosphere during Holy Week since it’s not crowded. She doesn’t like busy places. Her daughter is also concerned about coming. She says she’s a little shy. Her daughter is into swimming so maybe she’ll like Mosaic. I also encouraged her to take English lessons. She also said that she likes our office, by the way. She plans to just walk around this afternoon and maybe get a massage. That’s all from me. Hope I didn’t miss anything. 【タガイタイツアー】
また、別にオンラインで英会話レッスンを受講されていらっしゃる ラーナーさんが、奥様を連れてフィリピンにツアーに来られました。 この方、すでに以前にも御夫婦でTESZARAのスタディツアーに参加され、 すっかりフィリピンが気に入って、再度御夫婦で訪問されました。 今回は、市内を離れ、郊外で火山湖が綺麗なタガイタイという避暑地まで ご案内いたしました。 ご主人はせっかくなのでといつも英会話レッスンも受講され、奥様は その間、ゆったりとマッサージを満喫されるとお二人とも楽しまれています。 I'd like to inform you that we arrived at Tagaytay around 8:30 a.m. and we were able to move around Nurture Spa while waiting for our 9 a.m. Nurture walk. I took some pictures with the couple and I think they found the place peaceful. Our Nurture walk took almost an hour and the couple checked the organic vegetables. The comment of Mr. ** was, they were not able to see these plants in Japan. The farm is huge but the plants and vegetables were very few. The massage of Mrs. ** went well. She said, it's far better than The Spa at Greenbelt. She really felt very good. Mr. ** and I had a lesson on one of the massage huts and we were comfortable for the place was quiet and he could focus well. When we left Nurture Wellness, it was already traffic and we reached Taal Vista for lunch past 1:00 p.m. We were all very hungry but they enjoyed all the food most especially the pork lechon and halo halo. They ate a lot. I never asked them about the taste. They just said " Umai, Oishii". They enjoyed the Taal Lake view and said it was beautiful. At the Picnic Grove, there were so many people but they we were able to go around the area and watched Zip line movement. They were impressed with the view. I think they were very tired of the traffic but they were able to witness the Catholic procession on our way back home. That is all. Thank you.