■Cow Medicine
Characters: C - Chan; H - Hideyoshi
A GV and a learner in class talking about a souvenir item
C: My girlfriend’s aunt lives in Japan but she recently went
back to her country for vacation. She brought a lot of
souvenirs but what caught my attention was a cute little
cow figurine.
H: Cow figurine, huh? Sounds oddly familiar. Can you describe
how it looks?
C: Well it’s a molded figure, mostly bright red in color,
and it has some patterns like circles and curved lines.
She said it was a traditional toy in one of the areas
of Fukushima.
H: Aha! If it’s from Fukushima, then now I’m definitely sure.
It’s an Akabeko doll.
C: Oh, you’re right! I think that’s what she calls it.
What is it, exactly?
H: Well, long ago, samurai were taught the Aizu molding
technique commonly known these days as papier mâché.
They made Akabeko dolls and it was a good foundation
of culture and economy in Aizu.
C: Wow! I didn’t know it had such a history.
H: But wait, there’s more!
C: Really? Do tell me about it.
H: On traditional Akabeko dolls, you’ll see circle patterns.
Those symbolize the smallpox virus. Legend says
that a red bull or cow warded off the plague epidemic
in the Heian era.
So children would always have an Akabeko with them.
C: You don’t say! You know the word “vaccine” comes from
the Latin word “vacca” which means a cow. That’s
because the deadly smallpox virus was eradicated
by developing a medicine from the cowpox virus.
H: “Beko” also means a cow in one dialect in the Tohoku region.
In a way, cows DID have an integral part in stopping smallpox.
C: Thank Akabeko and the cow medicine!
Aunt 叔母さん
Caught my attention (catch one’s attention) 目がひかれる
Figurine フィギュア、小立像
Huh? はぁ?
Sounds oddly familiar. すごく馴染みに聞けるね
Pattern 模様
Aha! 分かった!(ピンとくるときに言う感嘆語)
Akabeko doll 赤べこの像
Long ago 大昔
Papier Mâché 張り子
But wait, there’s more. ちょっと待って、まだあるよ!
Smallpox virus 天然痘
Ward off (何を)防ぐ
Plague 疫病
Epidemic 流行病
Heian era 平安時代
You don’t say! マジで!(びっくりする時に言う感嘆語)
Vaccine ワクチン
Vacca ヴァッカ (牛という意味のラテン語)
Eradicated 除ける
Cowpox virus 牛痘
Dialect 方言
Integral 不可欠な
●Comprehension Questions
Among all the souvenirs, which one caught Chan’s attention?
a. Rare Pokemon trading cards
b. Tasty Wagashi
c. A cute little cow figurine
d. An elegant Furin
How did Chan describe an Akabeko doll?
a. a set of brightly painted hollow wooden dolls
of varying sizes, designed to nest inside one another.
b. a molded figure, mostly bright red in color,
and it has some patterns like circles and curved lines
c. a hollow, round doll modeled after Bodhidharma,
bright red in color, and looks like a bearded man
d. A yellow rat-like figurine with pointy ears
and bright red cheeks that emit electricity
What did a legend say about Akabeko?
a. Legend has it that, a hare tricks a crocodile into forming
a bridge to enable him to cross to an island
b. Legend has it that, Amaterasu hid inside a cave
because of a conflict with Susano-o
c. Legend has it that, a red dog, a blue pheasant,
and yellow monkey befriended and joined Momotaro
to defeat an evil Oni
d. Legend has it that, a red bull or cow warded off
the plague epidemic in the Heian era
How was the deadly smallpox virus eradicated?
a. The deadly smallpox virus was eradicated
by massaging cows daily and making them drink beer
b. The deadly smallpox virus was eradicated
by the combined effort of all the cow herders in the world
c. The deadly smallpox virus was eradicated
by killing children ages two years old and younger
d. The deadly smallpox virus was eradicated
by developing a medicine from the cowpox virus
C-チャン H-ひでよし
C: 彼女の叔母さんは日本に住んでいて、最近休暇で帰国したんだ。
H: はぁ?牛の置物?なんか妙に馴染み深いね。
C: あのね、成形されたフィギュアで、全体的に明るい赤で、
H: 分かった!福島のモノなら、完璧に分かった。
C: お~、その通り!それは叔母さんが呼んでいる名前だと思う。
H: あのね、昔、サムライが、今「張り子」として知られている
C: すごい!そんな歴史があったのは知らなかった。
H: でもちょっと待って、まだあるよ!
C: 本当?是非教えて!
H: 伝統的な赤べこだと、丸い模様が見られるだろう。
C: マジで!「ワクチン」という言葉は「牛」という
H: 「べこ」が東北地域の方言で「牛」を意味するよ。
C: 赤べこと牛の薬に感謝だね!
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