Characters: L - Leila; C - Chad; K-Kimberly; T-Trainer
Three GVs and a trainer during a late afternoon session…
T: Welcome again! Today is the second day of our training.
Are you all ready?
GVs: (enthusiastically) Yes!
T: I’ve prepared some exercises to warm you up today. I'll
be giving you five minutes to answer them.
(All GVs answer the exercises)
T: Time’s up! Let’s check your answers. First question,
“Some (is, are) needed.” Kimberly?
K: Are!
T: Very good! Because the subject before it is “some”
which is a conceptual quantity. Okay, next! Please read,
C: There (is, are) several miles between Nagoya and Tokyo.
The answer is ‘are’.
T: Excellent work, Chad.
C: Thank you! I had to double check because the question
seemed a little confusing after reading it a couple of
T: But good job on determining the correct answer. Could you
explain why?
C: Well, since there’s an absence of a specific number the
verb should be used in the plural.
T: Very good, Chad.
C: (beams) Thank you!
T: Excellent work, everyone. Okay, last question. “I like
desserts (specially, especially) chocolate”. This is very
tricky and both choices are adverbs. Anyone?
C: I think one of them is used when you want to single out
T: Yes!
K: And one of them is used when you want to talk about a
specific purpose of something.
T: Very good. Okay, Leila! Could you please read and answer.
L: I like desserts (specially, especially) chocolate.
(Leila looks at the paper)
T: Which is it? Is it the word with ‘E’ or without ‘E’?
L: (enthusiastically) With ‘S’!
(Everyone bursts out laughing)
T: Are you okay, Leila??
L: (embarrassed) Sorry! I meant to say with ‘E’.
T: I understand, Leila. Grammar is very tricky. And since it's
already the second day of training, you’re already
experiencing brain drain. But, excellent answer! (smiles)
training :トレーニング
warm up :ウォームアップ
exercises :エクササイズ
subject :主語
conceptual :概念的な
quantity :量
several :いくつかの
confusing :混乱させる
determining :決心する
explain :説明する
absence :不在
specific :特定の
plural :複数の
adverbs :副詞
single out :選び抜く
purpose :目的
grammar :文法
brain drain :頭脳流出
●Comprehension Questions:
1. What are the GVs having on that day?
a. An orientation
b. A training
c. A workshop
d. A meeting
2. Why did Chad have to double check his answer?
a. The sentence seemed a little confusing after reading it
a couple of times.
b. He wasn’t sure if the spelling of one of the words was
c. He wasn’t sure of what to answer.
d. He couldn’t understand the question.
3. How is the word ‘especially’ used?
a. It is used in formal situations.
b. It is used when something is better or greater.
c. It is used when you want to single out something.
d. It is used when you want to talk about a specific purpose
of something.
登場人物: L - レイラ; C - チャド; K-キンベリー; T-トレーナー
T: 再びようこそ!今日は研修2日目ですが、皆さん用意はいいですか?
GVs: (元気よく)はい!
T: ウォームアップのためにいくつかの演習問題を用意してきました。
T: 時間です!答えあわせをしましょう! 最初の問題、
“Some (is, are) needed.” キンベリー?
K: Are!
T: 正解! 主語“some”は概念的な量を表しますからね。 はい次!
C: There (is, are) several miles between Nagoya and Tokyo.
T: チャド、素晴らしいですね。
C: ありがとうございます! この問題を2,3回読んだ後、少し紛らわし
T: でもいい判断をしましたね。理由は説明できますか?
C: えぇと、特定の数字でない動詞は複数系として使われます。
T: その通りです、チャド。
C: (晴れやかに) ありがとうございます!
T: 皆さんすばらしいですね。では最後の問題です。
“I like desserts (specially, especially) chocolate”.
C: 片方は、何かを選び出すときに使われると思います。
T: そうです!
K: また、うち一つは特定の目的や何かを特定して話したい時に使われ
T: 良いですね、ではレイラ!読んで答えてもらえますか?
L: I like desserts (specially, especially) chocolate.
T: どちらでしょう?‘E’ がつくもの?‘E’がつかないもの?
L: (元気よく) ‘S’から!
T: レイラ、大丈夫??
L: (恥ずかしそうに) ごめんなさい! ‘E’と言うつもりでした。
T: わかりますよ、レイラ。文法はとてもややこしいです。それに今日