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■Bon-Odori Characters: Y - Yoichi、M - Matthew At a cafe near Omiya station... M: I don't know if you've noticed Yoichi, but quite a number of people are wearing yukatas today. Y: Everyone is probably heading toward Omiya Park to watch the fireworks show tonight. M: Oh the Hanabi. I like that! Especially when they light them up in sync with some lively classical music. Y: Yes many festivals are held during this season. M: Speaking of festivals, I'm planning to go to the Bon-Odori festival in Shibuya this Saturday. Wanna come with? Y: Bon-Odori? In Shibuya? M: Yes. Why the baffled look? Y: Well, I've attended Bon-Odori festivals in small towns before but never in Tokyo, and in Shibuya no less. M: The event ad said this will be the first time they'll be holding it at the scramble in Shibuya. Y: Wow. But wouldn't it cause a lot of inconvenience to many commuters? M: Definitely. But the cool thing about it is that thousands of people, especially foreigners, will be able to witness it and learn more about Japanese culture. Y: Good point. I just hope they have a good rerouting scheme for the many vehicles that will be affected. M: Oh don't worry, they'll be closing the scramble only from 6-9pm then it's back to the usual chaos. Y: Not much difference there then, hahaha. M: So, are you up for it? Y: Count me in. Besides, who's gonna answer all your questions about Japanese culture if I don't? M: True. And you'll be helping me select a nice yukata to wear to the event. Y: Hahaha. No problem. ●Vocabulary / Expressions: 1. quite a number of  盞圓な数の... 2. heading toward  向かっおいく 3. fireworks show  花火倧䌚 4. light up     ラむトアップ、茝く 5. in sync     息ぎったり 6. lively      元気な、掻気のある、にぎやかな 7. wanna come with?  䞀緒に来る 8. baffled      baffleの過去圢、困惑させる 9. event ad     むベントの広告 10. less    同じだけ、同様に 11. good point    いいずころ 12. rerouting scheme  ルヌト倉曎蚈画 13. chaos       倧混乱 14. up for (something) の準備ができお 15. count me in     仲間に入れお ●Comprehension questions: 1. What did Matthew and Yoichi notice while at the cafe?  a) The coffee they were served tasted strange.  b) Many people were wearing yukatas.  c) That it seemed to be getting warmer and warmer every day. 2. Why was Yoichi baffled upon hearing about the Bon-Odori festival in Shibuya?  a) She has never attended a Bon-Odori festival there before.  b) The timing is wrong because it's actually a winter festival.  c) She was spaced out and not really listening. 3. In what ways will Yoichi be able to help Matthew?  a) By going to the scramble and rerouting the commuters.  b) By cleaning his apartment and cooking dinner.  c) By answering his questions and selecting a nice yukata. ■盆螊り 登堎人物: Y - よういち、M - マシュヌ 倧宮駅のカフェにお M: よういちが気が぀いおるか分からないけど、今日は济衣を 着おいる人が結構たくさんいるね。 Y: たぶん皆、今倜の花火を芋に行くために倧宮公園に向かっお いるんだよ。 M: おヌ、花火か。 花火奜きだよ! 特ににぎやかなクラシック ミュヌゞックず光が息ぎったり合う時がすごいよね。 Y: うん。この時期はたくさんのお祭りが開催されおいるからね。 M: お祭りずいえば今週の土曜日に枋谷で開催される盆螊りに 行こうず思っおいるんだけど䞀緒に行かない Y: 盆螊り?枋谷で? M: そうだよ。䜕でそんなに困惑しおるの? Y: 前に小さい町の盆螊り参加したんだけど東京ではなくお、 もちろん枋谷は参加したこずが無いから。 M: そのむベントの広告で枋谷のスクランブル亀差点で開催される のは始めおだず蚀っおいたよ。 Y: ぞヌ。でも たくさんの通勀の人に䞍䟿をかけないのかな。 M: それは間違いないね。でもこのお祭りの良い所は数千人の人が、 特に海倖の人が芋お日本の文化に぀いお孊ぶこずが出来るこずだよね。 Y: それは、いいね。圱響がありそうな乗り物のルヌト倉曎の良い 蚈画がある事だけを願うよ。 M: 心配しないで。スクランブル亀差点は6時から9時たでだけ 閉鎖しおその埌はい぀もの倧混乱に戻るよ。 Y: それだったらい぀もずそんなに倉わらないね。ははは M: じゃあ参加する Y: 仲間にいれおもらうよ。僕が行かなかったら誰が日本の文化に぀いおの 疑問に答えるのさ M: その通り。このむベントの為にかっこいい济衣を遞ぶのを 手䌝っお貰わないずね。 Y: ははは。もちろんだよ。



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