英語の記事を紹介 DCEC

2018年4月29日4 分

A Tiresome Day しんどい1日

■A Tiresome Day


Characters: H-Hikaru; K-Kimberly


A learner and a governess during their free chat


K: Hi Hikaru! Nice to see you again. How was your day?

H: Hi Kimberly! Nice to see you again, too. Well,

  (sighs) I must say, I feel a little tired today.

K: Busy with experiments, I presume?

H: Not exactly. I only did one experiment, and I'm proud to

say I was able to finish it, no sweat! (looking happy)

K: That's great! But if it wasn't your experiments, then

what made you feel tired? (curious look)

H: It's because of a long meeting I had. We talked about

raising mental health awareness in the company.

K: That's an interesting topic, and I must say, pretty

timely, too.

H: Yeah, I learned a lot of useful information, but it

dragged on for hours so I felt mentally drained

afterward. (shakes head lightly)

K: I can imagine that. (nods) Speaking of feeling tired,

are you familiar with the words 'tiring' and 'tiresome'?

H: (thinks) Hmm, I might have encountered them before…

(tilts head)

K: Alright, so, let me refresh your memory.

H: Oh thank you! I’ll be taking notes. (raises a pen)

K: Okay Hikaru, this one is very simple. You use the word

‘tiring’when you refer to something that makes you feel

tired physically. On the other hand, ‘tiresome’ is for

something that makes you feel annoyed, bored, or simply

tired mentally.

H: (Absorbing what was explained)

K: For example, you can say that running is tiring, while a

long meeting is tiresome.

H: Ahh! I get it now. Thank you for that explanation, Kimberly.

K: You're welcome. (smiles) So, can you try making sentences

using those two words?

H: Let’s see...I had a tiresome day at work because of a

long meeting and a tiring weekend playing with my children

all day long.

K: Hahaha! That’s a good one, Hikaru!





assume       :想定する

experiment     :実験

proud   :誇りに思う

No sweat :お安いご用だ、容易に

mental health :メンタルヘルス

awareness :自覚,認識

timely :折よい

drag on :〔会・行事などが〕ダラダラ長引く

drained :うんざりする

Speaking of~ :~といえば

familiar :著名な、よく知っている

tiring :骨の折れる、疲れさせる、

tiresome :面倒な

refresh one's memory:記憶を新たにする

take notes :書き取る

refer to :~を参照する

physically :物理的に

annoyed :いらいらした,

bored :退屈な

explanation :説明

All day long : 一日中, 終日






●Comprehension Questions:



1. Why was Hikaru feeling tired today?

a. He did five experiments today.

b. He had to finish a lot of paperwork.

c. He had a long meeting.

d. He prepared a long presentation.


2. What was Hikaru’s meeting about?

a. It was about raising mental health awareness in the


b. It was about the company’s sales report on the past

fiscal year.

c. It was about the company’s budget for the next fiscal


d. It was about effective marketing strategies for the



3. Why did Hikaru say that he'd had a tiring weekend?

a. He cleaned the whole house last weekend.

b. He ran a lot of errands during the weekend.

c. He played soccer with his colleagues.

d. He played with his children all day long.





登場人物: H-ヒカル; K-キンバリー




K: ヒカル!また会えて嬉しいわ。今日はどうだった?

H: やぁ、キンバリー!僕もまた会えて嬉しいよ。

 えぇと (ため息)、今日はちょっと疲れたと言わざるを得ないんだ。

K: 実験で忙しかったの?

H: 正確にはそうじゃないんだ。 実験は1つだけで、とても簡単に


K: 凄いわ!でも、もしそれがあなたの実験じゃなかったとしたら、

  何で疲れているの? (興味ありげに)

H: 長い会議のせいだよ。社内でのメンタルヘルスの認知をあげること


K: それは興味深い話題ね。かなりタイムリーだと言わなければなりません。

H: うん、僕は多くの有益な情報を学んだよ、でも何時間も続いたので、

  結局精神的に疲れ果てたんだよ。 (軽く頭を振る)

K: わかるわ。 (うなづく) 疲れていると言えば、


H: (考える) うーん、前に見かけた気がする..(首を傾げて)

K: いいわ、では、あなたの記憶をリフレッシュさせてください。

H: ありがとう!メモを取るよ。 (ペンを立てる)

K: 大丈夫よヒカル、これはとても簡単です。




H: (説明されたことを吸収する)

K: 例えば、ランニングは'tiring'、長引く会議は'tiresome'と言え


H: あぁ!わかった!説明ありがとう、キンバリー。

K: どういたしまして(笑顔)。では。これらの単語を使って文を作


H: えぇと...仕事で長時間の会議があったので疲れる1日でした。


K: ははは!それはいいセンテンスね、ヒカル!
