
Singapore in One Day with 3 Itinerary to choose from!
While you are trailblazing your way through South East Asia, or across the whole of Asia, there might be a good chance for that you will visit Singapore. But what if you only had one day? Maybe you are here on a layover? What to do in Singapore in one day then?
Much has been made about Singapore over the last few decades, from being part of the 4 Asian Tigers to an economic miracle, from the world’s best airport to the world’s best airline.
But frankly, Singapore as a tourist destination cannot be underestimated. While we may have a reputation as a boring country, there is really nothing boring about it for you the traveller.
To visit Singapore in one day is really not enough, but we got to make the best out of every situation right? Think about all the sightseeing you are gonna miss, all the coffee in quaint cafes you are not gonna drink and all the excellent food you can’t eat!
If you were thinking, is one day in Singapore enough, the short answer is NO! But today is your lucky day, as 2 proud Singaporeans will show you the best you can do to make the most of Singapore in one day. But before that, some essential things you need to know..
Top Tip! Join a Heritage Tour organised by the airport if you have a layover of between 2.5 hours to 24 hours. Read more on the Changi Airport Website.
Table of Contents
When to Visit Singapore?
Getting around in Singapore
Where should you stay in Singapore?
Other important essentials
Singapore in One Day Itinerary 1
Singapore in One Day Itinerary 2
Singapore in One Day Itinerary 3
Final Words
Thank YOU for visiting us. We have a gift for you!
When to Visit Singapore?
Honestly, and maybe with a bit of bias, there is never a wrong time to visit Singapore. After all, we are a tropical island and the weather while being unpredictable at times, the mood swings of Mother Nature should not be reason enough to dissuade you from coming.
What you need to take note of is that Singapore weather is generally categorized into 2 seasons, wet and less wet. That’s right, we do experience quite a fair bit of rain, plus the fact that is it quite humid all year round.
If we had to choose the best time to visit Singapore, we would put it down to the months of February and March, and June and July.
Tip: read more about the essentials of travelling to Singapore here.

3つの旅程から選べる1日のシンガポール! 東南アジア、またはアジア全体を訪問するとき、シンガポールを訪れるチャンスがあるかもしれません。しかし、1日しかない場合はどうでしょうか。たぶん、あなたは乗り換えでここにいますか?そのときシンガポールで何をすべきか? 4つのアジアのトラの一部から経済的な奇跡まで、世界最高の空港から世界最高の航空会社まで、過去数十年にわたってシンガポールについて多くのことが行われてきました。 しかし、率直に言って、観光地としてのシンガポールは過小評価することはできません。私たちは退屈な国として評判があるかもしれませんが、旅行者にとっては本当に退屈なものはありません。
1日でシンガポールを訪れるだけでは十分ではありませんが、あらゆる状況を最大限に活用する必要がありますか?見逃してしまうすべての観光、古風なカフェでのコーヒー、食べられない素晴らしい食べ物を考えてみてください! シンガポールでの観光は1日で十分か考えていたら、短い答えはノーです!
7.シンガポール シンガポールの一日旅程3
正直に言って、少し偏りがあるかもしれませんが、シンガポールを訪れるのに間違った時間はありません。結局のところ、私たちは熱帯の島であり、天候は時々予測不可能ですが、母なる自然の気分変動はあなたが来ることを思いとどまらせるほどの理由であってはなりません。 注意する必要があるのは、シンガポールの天気は通常、雨季と雨季の2つの季節に分類されるということです。そうです、私たちはかなりの雨を経験していることに加えて、一年中かなり湿度が高いという事実もあります。 シンガポールを訪問するのに最適な時期を選択する必要がある場合は、2月と3月、6月と7月の月に入れます。