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■A Happy Wife

Characters:     C - Chan;     A - Azuma

A GV and a learner in class talking about married life

C: Good evening Azuma. It’s been a while. I remember

  you cancelled your class last time

   since you had to go on a business trip and you needed

  to finish a lot of paperwork.

   So, how did it go?

A: The business trip was well-spent and I’m on schedule

  to finish my paperwork in time.

C: Glad to hear that. So, any other plan for this week?

A: None that I can think of. At least for now.

C: All right, then. You’ll find time to relax a bit.

  Anyway, let’s not dilly-dally.

   Your freestyle topic for tonight is “married life”.

A: Yup. Last night, I read an article entitled,

   “A Happy Wife is a Happy Life."

C: Similar to the English proverb. So what does it say?

A: There was a study conducted in the US and the number of

  respondents was 18,000 couples whose ages range from

  50 - 60 years old. On a scale of one to four,

  four being the highest,they rated their marital

  satisfaction and overall life satisfaction.

C: What were the results?

A: Well, husbands who rated the quality of their marriages

  a one but whose wives rated the marriage a four

  were happy with their lives overall, while husbands

  who rated their marriages a one whose wives also rated

  the marriage a one reported low overall well-being.

C: Ohh. So even if the man isn’t happy with his marriage,

  as long as he his wife is happy,his life is satisfactory


A: Exactly. What’s interesting is that it isn't true  

  with the wives at all.

C: Whoa! So does that mean women’s happiness isn't affected

  by their husbands’ satisfaction with their marriages?

A: At least that’s what the survey says. Hahaha


“It’s been a while”       「お久しぶり!」

“How did it go?” “It went well”    

To answer your question~      ご質問に答えるため

Well-spent              よく過ごした

On schedule              予定通り

“Glad to hear that”        「それはよかったね」

“None that I can think of”    「ないと思う」

“At least for now”         「今のところ」

Dilly-dally                ぐずぐずする

Yup                 うん!

Entitled                 表題にされる

“Happy Wife is Happy Life”     「幸せな妻は幸せな人生」

Conducted               実施する、実行する

Study                   研究、調査

Respondents                回答者

Couples                  カップル、夫婦

On a scale of ~ to ~          ~から~までのスケールで

Marital                  結構

Overall                  全体的な

Well-being                 幸せ、健康

Satisfactory               満足する

What’s interesting is ~       面白いのは~

“Whoa!”                「ウォ~!」

●Comprehension Questions

How did Azuma’s business trip and paperwork go?

  a. The business trip was cancelled because his wife wasn’t happy

  b. The business trip was well-spent but

     he couldn’t finish the paperwork on time

  c. The business trip was well-spent and he’s on schedule

     to finish his paperwork in time

  d. The business trip was well-spent and he is now on

     an extended vacation

What article did Azuma read last night?

  a.“If you like It, Put a Ring on It”

  b.“A Happy Wife is a Happy Life”

  c.“A Happy Husband is a Happy Life”

  d.“A Happy Wife is a Happy Husband”

Who were the respondents of the study and what did they do?

  a. The number of the respondents was 18,000 couples,

     ranging from 50 to 60 in age and they rated their marital

     satisfaction and overall life satisfaction on a scale of

     one to four

  b. The number of the respondents was 1,800 couples,

     ranging from 30 to 50 in age and they rated their marital

     satisfaction and overall life satisfaction on a scale of

     one to four

  c. The number of the respondents was 80,000 couples,

     ranging from 70  to 90 in age and they rated their marital

     satisfaction and overall life satisfaction on

     a scale of one to ten

  d. The number of the respondents was 18,000 youths,

     ranging from 18 to 25 in age and they rated their relationship

     satisfaction and overall life satisfaction on a scale of one to four

What were the results of the study?

  a. Husbands who rated the quality of their marriages a one

     but whose mother-in-law rated the marriage a four were happy

     with their lives overall, while husbands who rated

     their marriages a one whose mother-in-law also rated

     the marriage a one reported low overall well-being

  b. Husbands who rated the quality of their marriages a one

     but whose wives rated the marriage a four were happy

     with their lives overall, while husbands who rated their marriages

     a one whose wives also rated the marriage a one reported low

     overall well-being

  c. Husbands who rated the quality of their marriages a one

     but whose kids rated the marriage a four were happy with their

     lives overall, while husbands who rated their marriages

     a one whose kids also rated the marriage a one reported low

     overall well-being

  d. Husbands who rated the quality of their marriages a one

     but whose drinking buddies rated the marriage a four were happy

     with their lives overall, while husbands who rated

     their marriages a one whose drinking buddies also rated

     the marriage a one reported low overall well-being

What did Chan think about the results not being true for the wives?

   a. It means women’s happiness isn’t affected by their husbands’ salary

   b. It means women’s happiness isn’t affected by strict mother-in-laws

   c. It means women’s happiness isn't affected by their husbands’ looks

   d. It means women’s happiness isn’t affected by their husbands’

      satisfaction with their marriages


C-チャン A-あずま


C: こんばんは、あずまさん。お久しぶり。前回出張のためレッスンキャンセルされたよね。


A: 出張は無事に終わった。そして、書類の処理もスケジュール通り進んでいるよ。

C: それを聞いてよかったよ。で、今週何か他に予定はある?

A: 何もないと思う。少なくとも今のところ。

C: いいね。じゃ、ゆっくりする時間ができるね。とにかく、ぐずぐずして時間を浪費


A: いいよ。昨夜「幸せな妻は幸せな人生」という記事を読んだよ。

C: 英語のことわざと似ているね。それで何て書いてあったの?

A: アメリカで実施された研究があって、回答数は年齢50から60歳の18,000組だった。



C: 結果は?

A: あのさ、夫が結婚を1と評価して、奥さんが4と評価したら、自分たちの生活全体に



C: お~。つまり、男性が結婚で幸せでなくても、奥さんが幸せだったら、


A: その通り。面白いのは、それが奥さんには全く当てはまらないこと。

C: おいおい。結婚での女性の幸せは夫の満足度に影響されないという意味だね。

A: 少なくてもそれがこの調査が行っていることだよ。ハハハ!






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